Alexander Alexandrov is an agronomist at ZSK "Bdintsi" EAD, Dobrich region, which cultivates 12,000 decares with wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower. It is in these crops that they use liquid fertilizer, applied with the HARDI ALPHA EVO sprayer.
"We wanted this sprayer mainly so that we could apply the new type of liquid fertilizer UAN. The other specific feature of this sprayer is the air assistance that helps and gives us a greater working clearance over time. When our colleagues are not able to come in to spray due to weather conditions like wind, humidity, etc., we succeed. It is quite compact. No specific preparation is required, it manages to work in any field, it does not require a tractor, it allows a longer working process and faster maintenance. We have reached 3,000 decares per day of wheat spraying and about 2000 decares of fertilization with liquid fertilizer. It gives many opportunities to farmers. HARDI ALPHA is a few levels above our previous machines. It gives us an additional option. So far we have not been able to fertilize with a sprayer, and now we simply do not need a fertilizer spreader - so one less machine in our farm."
According to Mr. Alexandrov, the farm has been using the sprayer since the spring of 2017 and so far nearly 40,000 decares have been sprayed with it.