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Company history

Establishment of the company

Establishment of the company

Bulagro was one of the first private companies in the new history of the company.

Expansion of the company

Expansion of the company

Many regional representatives throughout the country are established

Start of our cooperation with the company PIONEER

Start of our cooperation with the company PIONEER

In three years, the sales of corn and sunflower hybrids marked 500% increase.

Establishment of Directorate for the sale of agricultural machinery

Establishment of Directorate for the sale of agricultural machinery

We sign a contract with Megatron EAD for dealership of JOHN DEERE

We add to our portfolio specialized agricultural insurances

We add to our portfolio specialized agricultural insurances

We introduce products in a new format - the packages “Seed” and “Sunflower”. They are technological programmes that guarantee obtaining the desired results.

A new form of payment between the company and the producers is initiated - buying back the agricultural production.

A new form of payment between the company and the producers is initiated - buying back the agricultural production.

It is realized in cooperation with the leading international agricultural trading companies as Louis Dreyfus, Cargill and others.

The company continues to grow

The company continues to grow

New regional representatives in Pleven, Rousse and Bourgas

Bulagro becomes the official importer for Bulgaria of the Austrian brand POETTINGER

Bulagro becomes the official importer for Bulgaria of the Austrian brand POETTINGER

POETTINGER is a world leader in the production of intelligent attached agricultural machines.

The company’s flag is raised on “The roof of the world”- the Chukhung Ri mount in the Himalayas

The company’s flag is raised on “The roof of the world”- the Chukhung Ri mount in the Himalayas

Our executive director Hristofor Bunardzhiev himself climbed the mount and put our flag on top of it.

We become the exclusive importer of the Danish company HARDI INTERNATIONAL for Bulgaria.

We become the exclusive importer of the Danish company HARDI INTERNATIONAL for Bulgaria.

HARDI is a world leader in the production of sprayers, with 11 factories across the world.

Groundbreaking of BULAGRO Centre in Stara Zagora

Groundbreaking of BULAGRO Centre in Stara Zagora

The construction of our new trade and service center begins.

BULAGRO MACHINES AD is established

BULAGRO MACHINES AD is established

The Department for sale of agricultural machinery is transformed into an independent company. We become exclusive importer for Bulgaria of two Italian brands - the tractors for orchard and vineyards GOLDONI and the agricultural implements FALC.

We become importers for Bulgaria of the brands SCHAEFFER LADER and MASCAR

We become importers for Bulgaria of the brands SCHAEFFER LADER and MASCAR

SCHAEFFER LADER is a German manufacturer of telescopic wheel loaders and MASCAR is an Italian family company specializing in the production of row seed drills.

BULAGRO CENTER is officially opened

BULAGRO CENTER is officially opened

More than 150 guests come for the grand opening of our administrative building in Stara Zagora.

New trade representatives across the country

New trade representatives across the country

We expand our market presence in the regions of Shumen, Targovishte and Dobrich.

BULAGRO MACHINES sign three new dealership contracts

BULAGRO MACHINES sign three new dealership contracts

We are now importers of the machines for eco-briquettes ASKET, the trailed and mounted fertilizers BREDAL, the mixer wagons SGARIBOLDI and the equipment for row tilth BADALINI.

The executive director of Bulagro - Mr. Hristofor Bunardzhiev, is awarded the title Agrobusinessman of the Year

The executive director of Bulagro - Mr. Hristofor Bunardzhiev, is awarded the title Agrobusinessman of the Year

The honorary title is awarded for his significant contribution to the development of agribusiness in Bulgaria

BULAGRO celebrates the 20-th anniversary of the company

BULAGRO celebrates the 20-th anniversary of the company

The first 20 years of the company are marked by hard work, innovation and success

Establishment of BATA - Bulgarian Association of Traders of Agromachinery

Establishment of BATA - Bulgarian Association of Traders of Agromachinery

Our executive director Mr. Hristofor Bunardzhiev is chosen for Chairman of the Association. The first agricultural fair BATA AGRO is held in May 2010 with huge success.

Opening of the new service center of BULAGRO in Stara Zagora and the trade and service center in Dobrich

Opening of the new service center of BULAGRO in Stara Zagora and the trade and service center in Dobrich

Our service centers are professionally equipped and specialized to perform heavy repairs of agricultural machinery.

Opening of a new trade and service center in Polski Trambesh

Opening of a new trade and service center in Polski Trambesh

The new modern base of BULAGRO is located on the main road connecting Veliko Tarnovo and Russe.

The CEO of BULAGRO Hristofor Bunardzhiev is awarded for the second time the title Agrobusinessman of the year

The CEO of BULAGRO Hristofor Bunardzhiev is awarded for the second time the title Agrobusinessman of the year

This time the prize is awarded for his outstanding work as President of BATA, including the modernization of Bulgarian agriculture, and the initiation and implementation of the largest specialized agricultural exhibition in the Balkans - BATA AGRO.

We become official importer for Bulgaria of the Swiss navigation systems LEICA

We become official importer for Bulgaria of the Swiss navigation systems LEICA

The innovative navigation systems rapidly gain popularity among Bulgarian farmers

The team of BULAGRO celebrate the 25-th anniversary of the company

The team of BULAGRO celebrate the 25-th anniversary of the company

We walked a long road, filled with difficulties and success, but we still continue to grow.

New trade and service center in Montana

New trade and service center in Montana

The new modern BULAGRO CENTER in Montana is at the disposal of all farmers of north-west Bulgaria from October 20-th, 2014.



The warehouse with an area of 350 square meters will be equipped with twenty-five shelves, each of four levels, with total capacity of over two hundred and fifty pallets.

The new warehouse of Bulagro in Nova Zagora is ready

The new warehouse of Bulagro in Nova Zagora is ready

Exactly five months after the start of the construction, the expanded logistics center works with full capacity

Another brand is added to the portfolio of Bulagro Machines -

Another brand is added to the portfolio of Bulagro Machines - DOMINONI

DOMINONI is an italian manufacturer of sunflower and corn headers with over 50 years of experience.

A new expansion of the logistics center in Nova Zagora

A new expansion of the logistics center in Nova Zagora

A new warehouse of over 800 square meters, equipped with a modern system for storage of plant protection products.

A new warehouse in Stara Zagora

A new warehouse in Stara Zagora

We continue to expand our warehouse and logistics capacity by obtaining a large warehouse in Golesh district, Stara Zagora.

A new dealership contract with Horizon Agriculture

A new dealership contract with Horizon Agriculture

We expand our portfolio with the English brand for no-till and strip-till agricultural machines.

A flying start with our new brand ABZ Innovation

A flying start with our new brand ABZ Innovation

We sign a dealership contract with the Hungarian producer of agricultural drones ABZ Innovation.

Bulagro celebrates 35 years of innovation in agriculture

Bulagro celebrates 35 years of innovation in agriculture

A trip to Serbia for the whole team of more than 140 people took place at the end of March.


Hover your mouse over the green circle and drag it on the timeline to view the history of Bulagro Group

Contact us

Central office Stara Zagora, Zheleznik District GPS coordinates: 42.410004, 25.591976 Phone: +359 42 600 171
Zheleznik District GPS coordinates: 42.410004, 25.591976 phone: 042 / 600 171
Yazdach village, Stara Zagora District GPS coordinates: 42.291732, 25.476855 phone: 0887 901 116
BULAGRO CENTER Polski Trambesh
Polski Trambesh, Ring Road GPS coordinates: 43.370645, 25.643536 phone: (+359) 888 276 949
Dobrich, 8 Anton Stoyanov Str. GPS coordinates: 43.589618, 27.819890 phone: (+359) 884 223331
Montana, Industrial area north GPS coordinates: 43.409713, 23.239466 phone: (+359) 885 433 500
Pepa Miteva
Manager South Bulgaria pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and fuel for region Chirpan
Zornitsa Beeva
Sales representative Plant protection products, seeds, fertilizers Stara Zagora region phone. 0884024313
Stoyan Stoyanov
Sales representative Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and fuel Region Stara Zagora
Veselina Georgieva
Sales representative Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and fuel Region Nova Zagora
Svetoslav Krastev
Sales representative Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil Region Yambol 1 phone. 0888543817
Rositsa Ivanova
Sales representative Plant protection products, fertilizers, seeds, fuel Region Yambol 2
Miroslav Dobrev
Sales representative plant protection products, seeds and fertilizers region Bourgas north
Diana Gospodinova
Sales representative Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil Region Burgas - north
Mariya Choleva
Sales representative Fruit and horticulture Region Plovdiv and Pazardzhik phone: 0887 89 44 88
Daniel Cholev
Sales representative Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil Region Haskovo and Plovdiv
Iliyana Lalova
Sales representative Plant protection products, fertilizers, seeds Region Sofia phone: 0882 517 754
Pavel Pavlov
Sales representative Plant protection products, fertilizers, seeds phone: 0888 02 99 01
Pavlina Morova
Sales representative Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil Region Targovishte
Zhana Baeva
Sales representative Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and fuel Region Silistra
Elena Savova
Sales representative Region Silistra 2 phone. 0888570493
Levent Hamdi
Sales representative Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil Region Shumen
Jelezcho Jechkov
Sales representative agricultural machinery Ruse region тел. 0887808330
Nikolay Nikolov
Sales representative Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil Region Veliko Tarnovo
Yavor Yakimov
Service specialist Vratsa region phone: 0882 466 672
Svetlin Svetlinov
Sales representative crop protection products, fertilizers and seeds region Pleven phone: 0882870124
Simeon Monov
Sales representative Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and fuel phone. ​0889354989
Stiliyana Petkova
Manager North Bulgaria Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil region Montana тел. 0884867449 Ел. поща: s.petkova@bulagro.com
Emiliyan Stoyanov
Service specialist Montana region phone. 0882 39 23 23